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Dental Bone Graft - A Gift of Modern Dentistry

Dental Bone Graft - A Gift of Modern Dentistry 
The growing geriatric population and awareness regarding dental advancements have facilitated the rise in dental implant procedures. Sometimes, the bone structure required for implants is inadequate. In such cases, bone grafting augments deficient bone tissue and provides a stable foundation. As per research, the number of dental grafting procedures over the years has continuously increased, with the total number of dental bone graft substitute procedures conducted in the United Kingdom (UK) being 94,195 in 2022. To ensure the success of their grafting procedures, dental professionals and specialists opt for reliable dental bone graft suppliers in the UK.  

Specialised dental bone graft tools offer the following benefits:

1. Quality Assurance— Specialised dental bone graft suppliers maintain strict quality control standards, minimising the risk of complications and offering efficient procedures. They also provide quality assurance certifications of their instrument authenticity.

2. Patient Outcomes— The advanced dental bone graft equipment promotes effective bone regeneration and ensures a solid foundation for dental implants and long-term success.
3. Range of Options— Renowned suppliers offer a comprehensive range of graft materials, including allografts, xenografts, and synthetic options. Dental professionals can select according to patients' unique needs. 

4. Customer Support— These suppliers are responsive and offer adequate help and support to their customers in case of any issues or concerns. 

5. Educational Support— Reputable dental bone graft suppliers in the UK often provide educational resources and guidance, helping dental professionals make informed decisions about the best grafting solutions for their patients.  

The Conjunction of Bone Grafting and Ridge Preservation for Successful Dental Implant Procedures

Bone grafts enable dentists to perform dental implant procedures successfully despite the bone's inadequate volume and density. Moreover, bone loss in the jaw can result in facial collapse, altered facial contours, and compromised aesthetics. Dental bone grafts allow for the restoration of lost bone tissue, preserving facial structure while supporting natural-looking tooth replacement options. 
Besides bone grafting, the height and width of the alveolar ridge, which supports the teeth, must also be maintained after tooth extraction. This is important for preserving the bone volume needed for future dental implant placement or maintaining facial aesthetics. High-quality ridge preservation tools are often used along with dental bone grafts during tooth extraction procedures. After extracting a tooth, ridge preservation tools help to minimise the trauma to the surrounding bone and soft tissues, preserving as much bone volume as possible. A bone graft material is then placed directly into the extraction socket to promote bone regeneration further and preserve the ridge's structure. 

Wrapping up:

The combined approach of dental bone graft and ridge preservation helps maintain the jawbone's integrity, which is essential for successful dental implant placement and oral health. Using specialised dental bone grafts and ridge preservation tools can ensure harmonious procedures. 
Dental Bone Graft - A Gift of Modern Dentistry

Dental Bone Graft - A Gift of Modern Dentistry


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